Tuesday, July 12, 2005

When is a Marrow really a Courgette

Being quite new to growing veg and still wet behind the ears I was under the impression that a courgette was just a baby marrow.

How is it then that you can buy both marrow and courgette seeds? I have three courgette plants and one marrow . The small marrow has stripes but the baby courgettes are all dark green. Can I eat baby marrows as I would courgettes or do I have to let them grow big .

My head hurts, need to go and lay down.


Unknown said...

I don't know for sure, but I would imagine that courgette varieties have been bred so that they make lots of small fruits which are good picked young, and that marrow varieties are bred with a longer season and fewer fruits in mind.

Probably if you eat your 'marrows' as courgettes you will find there's not a lot of difference :o)

Anonymous said...

thank you nice sharing
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