Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Raindrops Are Falling On My Bed

What a difference some rain makes. I was even scraping mud from the bottom of my boots,something that I had not had to do for months.

Today I bought home four pounds of Kestrel potatoes, some parsley,mint and lemon thyme to go with the shoulder of lamb from our Greek supermarket. I also picked almost a pound of blackberries and our plums are beginning to turn, well plum colour, and getting plumper.

We are growing a Snake Gourd from a plant that our friend from Malaysia gave us. It measures about two foot long at the moment and we hope to put it in our local show as .Novelty Class 93. A fruit or vegetable which is unusual in shape. Entry must have a suitable or humorous caption.

At the moment I can only think of rude captions but do not think that they will be suitable, so back to "Hissing Sid" variations.

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