This is Simba our "Bengal" which is a cross between a domestic cat and a wild Asian Leopard Cat. Simba is three generations away from the wild cat but is a real softy though he has his "mad half hour moments"
I don't know this persons name but rain,snow or shine he(or she)is always there.
As it is now warming up the bees are beginning to be more active.As I took this picture I should really have taken heed of the sign on the entrance as they were buzzing about me a bit. (Sorry Mike and Sue)
No flowers, no bees;No bees, no flowers.Blooming and buzzing,Buzzing and blooming;Married and still in Love.- Mike Garofalo
I don't know this persons name but rain,snow or shine he(or she)is always there.
As it is now warming up the bees are beginning to be more active.As I took this picture I should really have taken heed of the sign on the entrance as they were buzzing about me a bit. (Sorry Mike and Sue)
No flowers, no bees;No bees, no flowers.Blooming and buzzing,Buzzing and blooming;Married and still in Love.- Mike Garofalo