Sunday, July 03, 2005

Beetroot Heaven

We have just returned from three hours on the plot. We have four pounds of Duke of York new potatoes, a couple of pound of carrots and best of all six beetroot. We have loads of beets still to come and its a good job we both love it.

The plot was really dry but its nice that we have a tank on our plot so not far to walk. The plum trees looked very sorry for themselves but are smothered with plums so hope they will be ok.

We have just discovered a great Greek supermarket in Penge, so many different olive oils, wonderful bread and so many different pastas and beans and rice I was like a kid let loose in a toy shop, and as for the goats cheese.

Looks like it will be a tasty summer.

We have just bought a new digital camera ( trod on the old one , not recommended ) so will add some pics after I have worked out how it works ( about December )

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