Saturday, November 25, 2006

We Are Back

Here we are again, back at last.

It has been a strange year on the allotment. We have had all sorts of things happening at home so have not spent anywhere near as much time on the plot as we would have liked. Hopefully we can now spend more time preparing for next season. We have still got leeks growing and some herbs and recently dug 110 pounds of Sarpo potatoes which we thought we had left to long but turned out very well, and also taste very nice.

Two weeks ago we planted some garlic and it is showing strong growth already.Will try to get some shallots, onions and broad beans in this weekend but would have liked to have done this earlier but it is still quite mild so will have a go.

We have our site AGM tomorrow morning and after will do a couple of hours hoe hoe hoeing.

Good to be back and will post some new pictures soon.

Jim and Barbara